Our offer to customers includes consultancy and services that may concern various aspects: from the preliminary feasibility stages to those of design, to the operative management of the plants, to assistance and maintenance. The knowhow and experience gained over the years enable us to have a complete view, guaranteeing the correct analysis and definition of the scenarios of intervention.

On the basis of the amount and type of refuse placed in the disposal site, we determine the survey scenarios for prospection to produce biogas, the result of theoretical elaboration, based on formulas and bibliographic information and subjective elaborations derived from the experience gained over the years and from the validation of our method of calculation applied to dozens of situations.
The calculation of the production of biogas is completed by investigations, analysis and experimental testing in the field, feasibility studies and assessments, business-plan elaboration.

We develop the design and dimensioning of various plant types: gas collection and transport networks made up of HDPE pipelines, regulator stations in which to centre the operations of analysis and control, units for collection and combustion, sections for dehumidification, treatment and compression for energy exploitation.
Each design is one-off and takes into account the unique conditions and constraints characterising the site, in compliance with legislation in the fields of environment and safety.

We support the activities of management of the collection plants and networks, providing assistance services by phone and through remote connection, and by carrying out periodic visits to supervise the activities exercised in the disposal sites. During each visit we verify that the collection system and the plant are adequately managed, highlighting situations than can be improved, and reporting as to the need to implement changes in operation. Good, effective management enables optimisation of maintenance costs, coordination and interfacing of the different activities of the disposal site and planning of future investments.

To guarantee correct functioning of the installed equipment, the necessary programmed maintenance operations must be provided. At the handover of each plant, we train the local operators as to the activities of control, maintenance and calibration; however, a periodic visit by one of our technicians can be useful to prevent malfunctioning and detect any particular anomalous situations. We propose programmed maintenance calendars, control visits on request, extraordinary maintenance.

The remote monitoring service consists of a continuous interface between the customer and our technicians, to supervise the functioning of the plant and organise targeted, efficient operations. The connection through the web network enables us to monitor the plant, visit and download the tables recording the functioning parameters, interact with the operative personnel at the plant to reduce the times of resolution of any anomalies, or implement variations in the management logics.
Adhesion to our priority assistance service guarantees prompt intervention for the analysis of anomalous situations and instruction as to the first operations to be carried out.

We hold training courses for those engaged in maintenance and management of the plants for collection and combustion of the biogas. The course aims to train and inform operators as to the principal matters relating to biogas, from the general aspects referring to production and characteristics, down to the information about risks to be considered in safety matters, without excluding monitoring and regulation operations.

The experience acquired through the direct management of the entire CDM design in Tanzania for the issue of CERs (Certified Emission Reductions), enables us to offer services for the drawing up and management of the documentation required to include a CDM project in the register of the UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change). The service can involve all the stages for carrying out the initiative (from the Project Design Document to the periodic Monitoring Reports), or only specific sections, at the customer’s discretion.